Sunday, September 28, 2014

writing about my teaching :)

Nur Samsiah
English Department, Teacher and Educational Science Faculty
Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo
Purworejo, Central Java Province

The researcher wants to know what the language teaching method used by an English teacher of SMA Negeri 5 Purworejo who has a lot of achievements in her career as English teacher. She is Ms. Nikmah Nurbaity. Besides, the researcher wants to know whether there are unique things in English teaching learning process in her class. This research is a qualitative research. For observing the object of research, the researcher does it in 3 days (July, 20, 27, 31 2013). The place of this research is in SMA Negeri 5 Purworejo. The sampling technique of the research is uses the purposive and snowball sampling. The researcher interviews Ms. Nikmah and her students. The researcher uses the triangulation for data collecting (observation, interview, and documentation). The instrument in this research is human instrument that is the researcher herself. The researcher finds 8 language teaching methods used by Ms. Nikmah. They are The Grammar-Translation Method, Community Language Learning, Content-Based Learning, Multiple Intelligences, The Direct Method, Desuggestopedia, The Audio-Lingual Method, and The Silent Way. Besides, the researcher finds the unique things in teaching learning process in class of Ms. Nikmah. Such as, Ms. Nikmah does not use textbook to tell the narrative (story of Cinderella) and make it be up-to-date. For example, she changes the character in the story with her students. It makes the story more interest.

Keywords: Language Teaching Method, the Outstanding English Teacher, the Unique Things.

A.     Background of the Study
English is very important language in the world. Since English is an international language. Hence, whoever that English is a second or foreign language for them, they have to learn English. As an Indonesian that be a part of the world, we have to master it in order that we do not leave behind from the international world.
Based on statement from Brian Tomlinson (in Hinkel, 2005: 137) English as Foreign Language (EFL) is learned by people who already use at least one other language and who live in a community in which English is not normally used. English is a foreign language in Indonesia. Indonesia have two languages are used. The first is the language as mother tongue. They are Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, and so forth. And the second language is Indonesian language.
English in Indonesia is one of compulsory subjects in school. And it is the subject for the national examination. Henceforth, the students have to master English is not just for speaking ability to communicate but for determining their pass. For that reason, English have to be learnt interestingly so that the students do not get stressed in learning English. The students have to enjoy in classroom. The teacher should have the best method for teaching English.
The researcher is interested in analyzing of the language teaching method used by an English teacher of SMA Negeri 5 Purworejo. The English teacher, Ms. Nikmah Nurbaity, is the English teacher that has many achievements in her career as the English teacher. She must have a good method for her students.
The first problem that will be analyzed by the researcher is what the method of language teaching used by Ms. Nikmah Nurbaity. The second is there any unique things in teaching learning process in class of Ms. Nikmah.

B.      Research Method
In this research, the researcher uses the qualitative research. According to Bogdan and Biklen (in Sugiyono, 2009: 21), qualitative research is descriptive, also are concerned with process rather than simply with outcomes or products. The data collected is in the form of words of pictures rather than number.
The time for conducting this research is alocated in six month (March to August 2013). The observations conducted in July, 20, 27, 31 2013. The place of this research is in SMA Negeri 5 Purworejo. It is in Jalan Magelang KM 7 Loano Purworejo Jawa Tengah 54111. The telephone number is 0275-323471. The information about the school is in
The researcher uses the purposive and snowball sampling in sampling technique.  First, the researcher interviews Ms. Nikmah as an object in this research. Then the researcher asks some of her students in classroom to strengthen the data.
For data collecting, the researcher uses the triangulation. The researcher interviews Ms. Nikmah to know about her biography and the teaching method used by her. And the researcher interviews some of her students in the classroom to know about Ms. Nikmah’s attitude and teaching method in classroom. Then, the researcher records in three times of the English teaching learning process in Ms. Nikmah’s class with digital camera. To consolidate the data research, the researcher takes some pictures when Ms. Nikmah is teaching English in classroom. The instrument in this research is human instrument that is the researcher itself. The researcher in this research analyzes the data with describing the data by triangulation technique.

C.      Findings and Discussion
The researcher gets three video recording when Ms. Nikmah is teaching English in class. From their video recording, the researcher analyzes the language teaching method used by Ms. Nikmah. The researcher  finds eight language teaching method used by her. They are The Grammar-Translation Method, Community Language Learning, Content-Based Instruction, Multiple Intelligences, The Direct Method, Desuggestopedia, The Audio-Lingual Method, and The Silent Way. The researcher also finds the unique things in her class, such as Ms. Nikmah does not use textbook to tell story of Cinderella, she does not point the students to read the homework and review the story. It trains the students to be brave, she tries to know and remember the name of her students, she sometimes changes the character of the story with her students, she makes the story be up-to-date, she makes the students be active, she sometimes makes a joke in class, she gives the story that related with the material and it is her experience, Ms. Nikmah has various way in teaching English. It does not make bored, she makes her students have spirit in learning English, her students prefer Ms. Nikmah to teach English to other teachers.

D.     Conclusion and Recommendation
From the findings and discussion, the researcher concludes the English teaching method used Ms. Nikmah there are 8 methods. They are The Grammar-Translation Method, Community Language Learning, Content-Based Instruction, Multiple Intelligences, The Direct Method, Desuggestopedia, The Audio-Lingual Method, and The Silent Way.
The unique things in teaching learning process in class of Ms. Nikmah, such as Ms. Nikmah does not use textbook to tell story, she does not point the students to read the homework, read the text, retell and review the story. It trains the students to be brave, she tries to know and remember the name of her students, she makes the story be up-to-date, she makes the students be active, she sometimes makes a joke in class, she gives the story that related with the material and it is her experience, Ms. Nikmah trains her students to be brave, Ms. Nikmah has various way in teaching English. It does not make bored, she makes her students be active in speaking English, she makes her students have spirit in learning English, her students prefer Ms. Nikmah to teach English to other teachers.
The researcher expects that the research will be useful for English teacher, the students, the educational institution, and the researcher. The teacher should use the proper method in teaching for their students in order to get the students’ interest in learning. The student must be brave to participate in teaching learning process in the classroom. Besides, they must study hard in English. For the educational institution, they must train the teacher as well as possible to improve their knowledge about teaching method in classroom and should give the appreciation for the best teacher. The researcher should take the the recording of video in teaching learning process in the middle of semester, not in beginning. And for the next research, the researcher has to analyze the problem deeper. 

E.      References
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Hinkel, Eli. 2005. Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Larsen-Freeman, Diane. 2000. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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